a 501(c)3 Ocean Outreach Project
Honoring the men their memory and their mission
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Lost 52 Project
USS S-28 Discovered
USS S-28 Discovered off of Hawaii by Tim Taylor and Lost 52 Team.
Brazilian Navy League
Honors Explorers
Explorer Finds Second Missing US WWII Submarine 
Press and Media
News, information, media, and press on the Lost 52 Project
Brazilian Navy League Honors Explorers Tim Taylor and Christine Dennison with Medal of Honor
Marine Explorer Finds Second Missing US WWII Submarine Wreck
USS R-12 Discovered
USS R-12 Expedition Discovery of the Lost WWII Submarine off of Key West Florida.
Financial Times London
Tim Taylor and his Submarine expeditions featured in London Financial Times.
Submarine Documentary project discovery featured in Bloomberg.
USS Grunion Bow Discovered
Lost 52 Team has discovered the USS Grunions lost bow off of Alaska.
Columbia University
Team Presents Extreme Engineering at Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Supplied lecture series 
Photo GalleryVideo GalleryPress ReleasesFamilyPress

US Navy Verifies USS S28 Discovery
The U.S. Navy recently validated the identity of a submarine shipwreck that was discovered in 2017 after being missing for nearly 75 years. 
Hydro International Feature Article S-28
Tim Taylor Lost 52 Project and S-28 Discovery featured in Hydro International Magazine.

USS Stickleback Discovered
Geographic Magazine
November 2020 issue of Royal Geographic Society magazine features article by Tim Taylor on his discovery of the USS Grayback.
April 2021 Ocean News and technology article "Bringing History Back to Life" By Tim Taylor
Ocean News & Technology
The Submarine Reiview Magazine
Coming In June 2021- feature length article by Tim Taylor "Discovering Americas Lost Submarines"
Tim Taylor Awarded 
Distinguished Public Service Award
US Navy's Highest Civilian Medal